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Recommendations for passengers at Central Aerospace FBO | Biosafety Protocol

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New Coronavirus MinHealth

Dear passenger, please consider the following general recommendations to help reduce the risk of contagion and transmission of the COVID-19 coronavirus during your stay at Central Aerospace FBO:

Physical distancing

  • Regular hand washing

  • Avoid touching eyes, nose, and mouth

  • Wearing surgical masks at all times

  • Being vigilant for signs or symptoms compatible with COVID-19 through self-observation

  • Avoiding crowds

Avoiding coronavirus in 6 steps

Pre-flight operation at Central Aerospace FBO

  • All national passengers must install the CoronApp - Colombia application on their mobile phones or devices and personally fill out the requested information in the application.

  • We verify that all national passengers have personally filled out the requested information in the CoronApp application.

  • We check the QR code of the CoronApp - Colombia application for each national passenger to confirm that they are authorized to travel (green color) and do not report a COVID-19 positive alert.

  • We prevent the entry of national passengers and personnel working at Central Aerospace who report a positive test in the CoronApp - Colombia application in the last 14 days for COVID-19.

  • All international passengers are reminded that they must fully complete, prior to entering the immigration control checkpoints, either for departure or entry into national territory, the pre-check-in immigration form available on the Check-Mig application.

  • During flights lasting more than two (2) hours, passengers must carry multiple surgical masks to replace them when necessary. The use of N95 masks is recommended for individuals over 60 years old or those with comorbidities.

  • It is recommended that all individuals remain silent to prevent transmission through droplets or aerosols. This recommendation applies within our FBO facilities, as well as in the aircraft throughout the flight.

  • We verify international travelers for a negative PCR test taken within the last 96 hours in the country of origin. Colombian travelers and holders of R, M, courtesy, diplomatic visas, and their dependents who cannot present a negative PCR test result are allowed to board only when they declare their inability to take the test or obtain the result within the specified period. In this case, mandatory preventive isolation must be carried out for a minimum of fourteen (14) days or for the period indicated by the health authority. We are obliged to report to the health authority the arrival of individuals who did not present a negative PCR test.

  • We have permanent hand disinfection stations containing at least 60% alcohol-based hand sanitizer or glycerinated alcohol, for users to apply before and after using the control systems.

Operation during the flight

  • We recommend travelers that if during the flight they experience any of the following symptoms: quantified fever of 38°C or higher, cough, difficulty breathing, sore throat, or fatigue, they should notify the crew immediately.

  • If a national passenger experiences symptoms matching the pandemic within 14 days after their flight, they should report them to their Health Promoting Entity (EPS) through the CoronApp - Colombia application.

  • It is advisable, whenever possible, to avoid using the aircraft lavatories.

General recommendations for passengers and crew at Central Aerospace FBO:

  • Close contact with a positive case of COVID-19 or has been diagnosed positive for COVID-19 in the last 14 days.

  • Enter the terminal no later than 2 hours before the scheduled departure time for domestic flights. For international flights, enter the airport no later than 3 hours before the scheduled departure time.

  • Wear surgical masks properly and at all times starting from 2 years of age. This measure applies from entering the airport, throughout the flight, and at the destination port. The mask should cover from the nose to the chin, and avoid removing it. For individuals aged 60 or above or those with comorbidities, the use of N95 masks is recommended.

  • Wear surgical masks properly and continuously. For flights lasting more than 2 hours with onboard service, remove the mask exclusively for eating and never at the same time as neighboring individuals.

  • Carry multiple masks to replace them during flights lasting more than 2 hours, and change them whenever the mask becomes wet or dirty.

  • Remain as silent as possible in the airport and inside the aircraft.

  • Follow the instructions of the cabin crew.

  • Immediately notify the cabin crew if any passenger develops symptoms such as cough, difficulty breathing, sore throat, or fatigue during the flight.

  • Remain seated until authorized by the cabin crew to disembark.

  • Install the CoronApp - Colombia application on your mobile devices for domestic flights, present it when requested at the airport, and provide the required information.

  • Comply with the instructions and requirements of the aeronautical, health, and airport authorities.

  • Upon entering the terminal, proceed directly to the VIP lounges following the instructions of our FBO staff.

  • Upon arrival of the flight, proceed directly to the airport exit or baggage claim area following the instructions of the airport staff.

  • Report to the EPS, the health territorial entity where your residence or place of stay is located, and the National Contact Tracing Center (CCNR) if you develop symptoms consistent with COVID-19 within 14 days after your flight.

  • Respect the signage provided by the airport and Central Aerospace to ensure separations between people and maintain a minimum distance of 2.0 meters when no markings exist.

  • Avoid consuming food on the aircraft. For flights lasting more than 2 hours with onboard service, passengers must consume meals in the order of delivery.

  • Be aware of and comply with all health requirements imposed by Colombia or the destination country, such as tests or quarantines.

  • Report your health status through the pre-check-in immigration form in the Check-Mig application, 24 hours before international flights, and up to one hour before its closure.

  • Commit to promptly respond with accurate information to calls from the local health authority and the National Contact Tracing Center (CCNR).

  • Comply with strict tracking and monitoring by your insurer, the National Contact Tracing Center (CCNR), or the health secretary of the jurisdiction where you will stay or reside. This applies to all individuals arriving in the country from abroad, whether nationals or not. In any case, all travelers must comply with the regulations in force for the development and implementation of the PRASS program.

  • Present a negative PCR test taken in the last 96 hours in the country of origin. Colombian travelers and holders of R, M, courtesy, diplomatic visas, and their dependents who cannot present a negative PCR test result must choose to take the test upon entering the country and observe preventive isolation until they receive a negative result for COVID-19 or undergo mandatory preventive isolation for at least fourteen (14) days or as directed by the health authority. The Colombian passenger will report the address where they will observe preventive isolation and the contact number. These statements will be recorded in the migration system. The passenger may observe quarantine days at their residence or in accommodation. The cost of the PCR test and the costs associated with preventive isolation will be borne by the traveler. The health secretary of the place of disembarkation or destination will be responsible for verifying that the traveler observes preventive isolation.

  • International passengers are required to provide accurate information about their health status, origin, recent contact with suspected or confirmed cases of COVID-19, and compliance with the instructions of health authorities. Likewise, provide accurate and precise information about your phone and address in Colombia. Foreign travelers must provide a national phone number where they can be easily reached.

Get to know our FBO and enjoy its exclusive benefits

Enjoy your flight; we take care of making your ground experience the beginning and end of a great journey.

Our FBO Services for the region

We have our own bases in Bogotá, Medellín, Cali, and Villavicencio, providing services throughout the country with our network of regional FBOs where we offer:

➡️ Crew services

➡️ Passenger services

➡️ Ground services for fixed-wing aircraft (AOG)

➡️ Airport procedures

More information on FBO | Central Aerospace


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