Central Aerospace remains free of foreign objects (FOD)

Part of Central Aerospace's commitment to aviation safety is the reduction of potential dangers that may be generated in aircraft and/or people, due to damage by objects - FOD or foreign elements in operational areas, this is achieved by keeping free its platforms and hangars from foreign objects.
The Central Aerospace Quality Control team carries out FOD waste collection days, guaranteeing spaces such as platforms and hangars free of debris or waste that could affect aircraft.
What is FOD waste?
FOD Waste or FOD Material in aviation, in English Forerign Object Damage, is damage caused by foreign objects or foreign elements that can cause damage to aircraft in the air or on the ground, and/or injuries to maintenance technicians, passengers or crew.
Any foreign or loose object that does not belong to the airworthy exercise or should not be in areas of aprons, hangars, taxiways or take-off and landing runways.
How does Central Aerospace mitigate the risk of encountering FOD material?

Central Aerospace has the Operational Safety Management System Manual that details in section 3.7 FOD (Forerign Object Damage) Campaign Procedure, damage caused by foreign objects, the strategy and campaign to keep its platforms and hangars free of foreign objects (FOD).
The following activities are carried out weekly:
Meeting of technical and operational personnel, at the entrance to the platform from the airport area.
Review of personal protective equipment (ear covers, reflective vest, face masks)
Movement to the south side platform
Line formation of personnel, respecting a biosafety distance of 2 meters
The journey begins towards the north side of the platform, looking for elements that could cause damage to the aircraft.
Collect FOD waste and place it in the assigned yellow bags.
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